Something not quite right with your system? To schedule a service call please call 303-922-7191.
Providing the highest level of service to our customers is our utmost priority.
We realize that the satisfaction of our customers directly relates to our future success. Quite honestly, we will take extreme measures to ensure that our customers are satisfied. While many other alarm companies talk about the service they provide, all the service trucks they own, and even how many service technicians they have, such statistics often become distorted by other factors. For instance, a company may advertise that they have 10 service technicians. However, the customer is never told that those 10 service technicians must service and maintain thousands of systems. To receive service from many alarm companies often takes days, and sometimes, weeks. It is our goal to service the needs of our customers immediately and promptly – hopefully within 24-hours of the service request depending on the current workload.
We service several different types of systems.
However, we are careful about servicing equipment installed by other alarm companies since certain companies will actually file a law suit against their own customer if that customer seeks service from another company. (Please beware of and avoid contracts with Alarm Companies which lock you in to a particular company for a specified period of time. – Those same contracts also automatically renew themselves at the end of their contract period without notice!)
We never lease systems.
Leasing an alarm system is almost always a bad investment. When you lease a system, you always pay more for the system, more for monitoring, and you receive a lower quality system.
Sometimes, we actually make mistakes!
When we do make mistakes, we do everything possible to learn from our mistakes. Above all, we do not hide behind, or deny mistakes, and we never suggest that a customer is at fault. We try to make every experience a positive experience as we realize how valuable our relationship with our customer is. We are always open to ideas as to how we might better serve our customers.